Wednesday, December 16, 2009


We started the process of residing our house. We only got to two walls of the house before it got too cold and wet outside.

Our old siding was icky and lots of gaps for stuff to get behind it.

There was even a tiny bit of rotten wood underneath the siding that had to be replaced.

We house wrapped and flashed the heck out of our little house.

Then we started putting up the siding. It is Hardi plank which is made out of fibers and cement so it is a little tricky to work with, but we got the hang of it after a while.

French Door

We installed some french doors in our living room. It was quite the adventure. I bought the doors used at a great price, but they were practically slabs. The first step was to build a door frame and hang the doors.

There was a lot of cutting and chiseling and perhaps a it of swearing as well.

Lots of measuring and remeasuring.

The next step was to remove the window and the part of the wall where the door was going. That was the easy part. Then we had to install the door. That part was not so easy, but it worked out and we are very happy it.

Planter part 2

We actually finished up the planter some time ago, but I am just getting around to updating. I've never been the best for keeping up with things. Here are some pictures of the mostly finished product.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Gracie's Vacation

While we went Santa Barbara for the 4th Gracie went on her own vacation. She went to Philomath, Oregon with my friends and their doggies. Where the heck is Philomath you ask. I'm not really sure, but Wikipedia knows.

Here are some pictures.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

We have been speanding most of our time off from work making a very large planter. When we laid sod in our backyard we left a corner covered with visquine for a raised bed.

We had to remove a bunch of dirt to lay the foundation.

There was a lot of shoveling gravel. Very heavy! Then we laid the first course of bricks. Leveling them was very difficult and took a couple of days.

Stephen did a great job breaking the bricks to make all the corners.

Stand by for more!

Kitchen demo

We wanted to open up our kitchen a bit and add a bit more storage so we decided to get rid of the bar that was too skinny to eat at, so tall it made the kitchen seem smaller, and had no storage under it.

Now we have two levels of shelving and two drawers! We also have a much more open kitchen.
We also know why the heater in the bar never worked. However, we don't yet know why the power cable runs in the opposite direction from the electrical panel or where it goes. We'll have to wait for our actual kitchen remodel to figure that out I guess.