Wednesday, June 17, 2009

We have been speanding most of our time off from work making a very large planter. When we laid sod in our backyard we left a corner covered with visquine for a raised bed.

We had to remove a bunch of dirt to lay the foundation.

There was a lot of shoveling gravel. Very heavy! Then we laid the first course of bricks. Leveling them was very difficult and took a couple of days.

Stephen did a great job breaking the bricks to make all the corners.

Stand by for more!

Kitchen demo

We wanted to open up our kitchen a bit and add a bit more storage so we decided to get rid of the bar that was too skinny to eat at, so tall it made the kitchen seem smaller, and had no storage under it.

Now we have two levels of shelving and two drawers! We also have a much more open kitchen.
We also know why the heater in the bar never worked. However, we don't yet know why the power cable runs in the opposite direction from the electrical panel or where it goes. We'll have to wait for our actual kitchen remodel to figure that out I guess.