Friday, April 6, 2007

The New House

Lauren and I wanted a way to share our experiences with our new house with everyone. A blog seemed a nice way to do that.

Check back every once in a while for pictures and stories of our triumphs and screw-ups and the things we learn. It has already been exciting and frustrating and gratifying and scary. We hope it'll at least be interesting for you.

Hopefully you'll be able to see this little house become a beautiful home with us.

Thanks for joining us.

Stephen and Lauren

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey guys, happy homesteading!! Though I have to say I figured you two for more of an urban/suburban micro-farm approach. In case the blackberries reappear, take comfort in the knowledge that blackberries are going for about $3.99 a pint here in the Big Apple, so you could go for sustainability at a profit if you have the energy. :) Congrats on your new house and Gracie-girl! BTW, here's an update on email addresses: and Best to you and a big group doggy hug! Cameron