Saturday, July 14, 2007

Our Crazy Backyard

So we've been working on our backyard a lot the past couple of months and it has been quite the project, but we've made a lot of progress. I think it's best to start from the beginning. Our backyard was full of everything you can imagine from trees, to brush, to a decomposing couch. I am happy to say we did not find any dead animals or people but other than that, it was in our yard.

We hired a company to come and cut down the six trees. There was a lot of wood and even though it isn't supposed to be very good firewood when we put up a free wood sign it was gone in no time.


Then we went to town cutting down some sage brush ( which are more or less small trees),
a ton of horrible blackberries, and a lot of unidentifiable weeds and whatnot. Stephen got his new avorite tool the mattock and did some serious damage to blackberry roots.

This is a pile of most of the trash we found in our yard. Buried in the pile are a couple of TVs, a lawn mower, and some tires. I'll post pictures of the finished parts of our yard soon. Keep checking in.

These are a small portion of the plastic planters that we found in the ground. Apparently the people who owned the house before us didn't know that you're supposed remove the plant from the planter before putting in the ground.

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