Sunday, July 25, 2010

Graham Clan Meets Peter

A week without visitors hanging out with Peter made us very happy to have more grandparents show up to help. Susan, Ward, and Great-Grandmother Nunnie visited for almost two weeks and helped with everything from holding Peter to fixing our dilapidated gate.

It's amazing how hard it is to get even the simplest things done when you are constantly watching a baby. Well, having dinners made and getting a few nagging fix-it projects done around the house was a godsend. So lawns were mowed, doors were painted, and Gracie went on lots of walks.

We didn't make them work the whole time though, as we found time to do a little sightseeing and had some nice dinners out. It's still a learning period, as we get to know Peter's schedule, and his cues. He does pretty well in Moby carriers, and we have yet to buy a stroller. Lauren has taken him to Yoga once, and we have successfully navigated six restaurants with him. Loud ones, but restaurants all the same.

Now we have to get through without parental support, but having help for the majority of that first month was wonderful.


Unknown said...

Dear Lauren. And Stephen. And Peter. What have you been doing all this time? Why aren't you posting pictures of your awesomeo kid on your blog? I need an update :). And please let me know when you come to so cal, i'd love to see you.

heather said...

; )