Friday, January 7, 2011

The Lazy Blogger

So it's been quite some time since I last posted. In my defense I've been a bit buy with the holidays and all. I also a suddenly having trouble posting video to the blog and I have a bunch of videos that I want to post. I have a bunch of pictures that I will post instead and eventually, when Peter is not going to wake up in 10 minutes I'll figure out the video thing.

But first some Peter updates.

Just over 6 Months
About 18Lbs.
Wearing 12 month clothes.
Has eaten sweet potatoes, broccoli, and banana and likes them all.
Is lifting his belly off the floor and scooting backward, but has a way to go before crawling.
Is still sleeping like a champ.
No teeth yet.

That's all I can think of for now. In the last couple of months Peter has lived through his first Halloween, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, and Christmas. Here are a few pictures of his festivities


The Ubran Poetess said...

Great photos! Love you guys and happy birthday Lauren!

Bunny said...


Unknown said...

Dude. It's been almost a year. I think it's time for another blog update :P