Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I hope I pasted the test!

Today I took a glucose test to check for gestational diabetes. I had to drink something called glucola which is a lime flavored sugar syrup and then get my blood drawn an hour later. It gave me one heck of a sugar high and then I was very sleepy a few hours later. I find out if I passed tomorrow. If I fail I have to take then three hour test which means I have to get my blood drawn 3 times over the course of three hours. Yuck! I don't want to spend that much time at the doctor unless I'm actually in labor.

Our appointment with the midwife this morning was really nice. I am right on track for weight gain and fundal height (the top of the uterus). We also got to hear more than just a heartbeat today. We got to hear the sound of his heart valves opening and closing. It was really cool.
We had our second childbirth class this week really enjoyed it. The instructor does a very good job of dividing up the class so that we don't get bored over the two hours. At the end of class we did a lot of breathing exercises. It reminded me of Bill Cosby. We had to read 9 chapters of the book before class and I barely finished. Stephen finished days before me. The first few chapters where about basic pregnancy stuff like nutrition a lot of dos and don'ts. I knew most of it from other books, but was amazed with how little I knew about labor. I had no idea that there are so many stages and how different they are. Even though I know it's not going to be the the most fun time of my life I am excited to experience it for myself. Stephen seems to be enjoying the class and the entire experience. I feel very lucky that he is happy to be involved.

We have a few major things on our to do list the next couple of weeks.

1. Clean out the room that is to become the nursery.
2. Find a doula
3. Find a pediatrician.

That's it for now. Thanks for reading!

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