Friday, April 16, 2010

I should have more done by now.

I am 32 weeks today. That means I only have 8 weeks left. We haven't knocked much off the to do list, but we have a bunch of doula interviews scheduled this coming week.

Buddy is moving around like crazy! He pretty much only stops moving for the five minutes following me telling someone to watch my belly. He is around 3 pounds 11 ounces and 16 inches long. He hiccups a lot and steps on my bladder all the time. Other things the baby spends his time doing is blinking, grabbing things, making faces, peeing and listening to all the noises around.

I have gained 15 pounds, but I can't remember my belly measurement. My blood pressure is good. I passed my glucose test. And my hemoglobins are carrying lots of iron and oxygen to the baby. All in all I am feeling great.

1 comment:

Doyle said...

So glad to hear you two are doing great with the baby. Thank you for creating this blog to update everyone. Blessings and I hope to read more soon!