Friday, January 7, 2011

The Lazy Blogger

So it's been quite some time since I last posted. In my defense I've been a bit buy with the holidays and all. I also a suddenly having trouble posting video to the blog and I have a bunch of videos that I want to post. I have a bunch of pictures that I will post instead and eventually, when Peter is not going to wake up in 10 minutes I'll figure out the video thing.

But first some Peter updates.

Just over 6 Months
About 18Lbs.
Wearing 12 month clothes.
Has eaten sweet potatoes, broccoli, and banana and likes them all.
Is lifting his belly off the floor and scooting backward, but has a way to go before crawling.
Is still sleeping like a champ.
No teeth yet.

That's all I can think of for now. In the last couple of months Peter has lived through his first Halloween, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, and Christmas. Here are a few pictures of his festivities

Friday, October 15, 2010

Peter's first trip to Disneyland

We took Peter down to California a few weeks ago for a trip full of firsts.

Here are a list of some of the places he went for the first time.

An airport
An airplane
A pool
An aquarium
A hotel
A Disneyland ride
And I'm sure lots of other places.

He also got to experience his first 103 degree weather. Woof! While I can say he did not appreciate Disneyland or The Aquarium of the Pacific he did seem to like the pool quite a bit. I will post a video of his first swim soon.


We stayed on property which was very nice and gave us a home base for nursing and cooling off. There is also a baby care center in each of the parks that has a nice nursing room, big changing tables, and anything you might have forgotten at home.

The best part of the trip was the World of Color show that's running at California Adventure in the evenings. It is a lighting-geek's dream. LED's, jets of water, projections, lasers, and 30 foot streams of fire! What more could you want? We saw it once from the hotel room, and liked it so much that we went to see it for real the next day.

Low point of the trip was getting stuck five boats from the exit at Pirates of the Caribbean. Peter was sleeping, so that was fine, but it still took an hour before they would let us get off the ride. We had to climb over the other boats to make it to the emergency platform.

Other than that, we had a great time visiting with family and swimming and playing in Disneyland. Here are some pictures!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Babies first ball game!

We took Peter to a Mariners game last night and had a blast. He stayed up way past his bed time, but was very well behaved. He even went and sat a few rows back for a couple of innings with some friends who happen to be sitting behind us.

Serena and Megan went with us and at times paid more attention to Peter that to the game. In fact he was turning heads all around him in his adorable hat. I guess if either team had a chance at play-offs it might have been different, but it was still a fun game to watch and lucky for us it was a game!

He slept for about half of the game and spent the rest of the time checking out the many people around him. He didn't seem bothered by the crowd or the noise. He seemed to have a pretty good time and they even gave him a little certificate for his first game. Oh yeah, the Red Sox won.

Baby Stats:

Almost 3 months
14 ponds
26 inches

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

10 Weeks!

It's been a great 10 weeks. We are all doing very well. Peter just had his 2 month check up and passed with flying colors. He has grown 4 inches and and gained almost 5 pounds. Here is a list of thing he has learned to do since he was born.

Rolls from tummy to back.
Smiles when tickled or smiled at.
Grabs his feet.
Rocks his bouncy chair.
Sleeps for up to 8 hours without waking up.
Stays awake for a significant portion of the day.
Follows me around with his eyes.
Grabs our fingers and puts them in his mouth.

That's all I can think of at the moment. I know what you really want is pictures. So here you go.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Graham Clan Meets Peter

A week without visitors hanging out with Peter made us very happy to have more grandparents show up to help. Susan, Ward, and Great-Grandmother Nunnie visited for almost two weeks and helped with everything from holding Peter to fixing our dilapidated gate.

It's amazing how hard it is to get even the simplest things done when you are constantly watching a baby. Well, having dinners made and getting a few nagging fix-it projects done around the house was a godsend. So lawns were mowed, doors were painted, and Gracie went on lots of walks.

We didn't make them work the whole time though, as we found time to do a little sightseeing and had some nice dinners out. It's still a learning period, as we get to know Peter's schedule, and his cues. He does pretty well in Moby carriers, and we have yet to buy a stroller. Lauren has taken him to Yoga once, and we have successfully navigated six restaurants with him. Loud ones, but restaurants all the same.

Now we have to get through without parental support, but having help for the majority of that first month was wonderful.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Photos by Kaarin

Kaarin and Keri came over the other day and Kaarin took some really good pictures. Here are some of my favorites.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Peter Hiccupping

Peter had a little jaundice developing after a couple days, as his Bilirubin level was a little high. The therapy for this is to have him lay on a light-emitting bed for as long as possible. He was done after a couple of days and now all is well. Here is a video that Stephen took of Peter laying on the light bed while he had the hiccups: