Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I'm not fat! I'm pregnant!

As promised. Here is the first belly shot. Even though there isn't much there, the baby was estimated to be 12oz, which is on the big side for his age. I haven't been able to button my pants for a while and have been getting by by wrapping hair ties between the button and the buttonhole. Soon I'll be able to wear maternity clothes, but for now they pretty much just fall down.

The pregnancy is going very well so far. I am planning to start prenatal yoga this week and we will soon be registering for childbirth classes.

We toured our birthing center this week as well and it seems like it will be a very nice place to have a baby and hang out for a day or so. You can take a virtual tour at http://www.valleymed.org/Our_Services/Childbirth/Birth_Center.htm

More belly pics soon!

Buddy's First Present

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Lauren, so excited for you guys and buddy! Thank you for sharing. How have you been feeling?