Monday, February 8, 2010

Belly Progress

The belly is getting a little bit bigger.
Tonight we had our first meeting with a Bradley Birth educator named Emily. She went over nutrition and exercises. She also helped us to start thinking about what kind of birth we want to have and how to give ourselves the best chance to achieve it.
In other big news... While the little bugger has been dancing on my bladder for the past week, Stephen felt a kick for the first time tonight. I told him to come feel my stomach because I felt a few strong kicks in a row and he felt a big kick right away. There were a couple more soft kicks he couldn't feel then the baby went to sleep. I'm sure there will be many more kicks to come. Stephen says "It was cool, but a little bizarre". He is looking forward to feeling more kicks. I will try to post again after our appointment with the midwife next week.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey fatty! You are looking great! So excited for buddy... and so excited you are going the natural childbirth route! It's not hard, I recommend having a 4 hour labor and then you won't have time for drugs ;) xoxoxo judy