Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Quick update

Went to the doctor today and everything is going great! The baby is head down and -1 which means it is relatively low in my pelvis. The midwife said that it means that the baby is more likely to be on time. No guarantees though. She also says he feels like he will be average size which is 7 1/2 pounds.

Oh yeah. I had the Strep B test. I wouldn't call it comfortable, but it is important. I'll find out next week if I passed or failed. Fingers crossed.

Monday, May 24, 2010

37 Weeks!

As of Friday I am technically full term. As of today I have 20 days left. We were aiming for the 18th, but Stephen told me just now that he doesn't want to do the load out so I guess we're aiming for the 15th now. Just as a reminder, the 13th is the due date.

I had my review at work on Wednesday and told them I wasn't planning on coming back to work in September. It was very sad for me to actually say it out loud even though I have been thinking about it for a very long time and feel good with the over all decision. I also had a really nice surprise baby shower at work last week. I was very surprised and it was a great treat in the middle of the workday.

While I have sort of finished with work I have had my second cold in about a month so I haven't gotten anything done. Thanks to our many generous friends and family members I think we have everything we need for at least the first month of life. I need of to look at one of those lists of things you must have to make sure I'm not forgetting something super important. Tomorrow I am for sure going to schedule pediatrician meetings. No excuses! We were supposed to buy a car today, but I am still a tiny bit too sick to do anything that annoying and today was day one of catching my cold for Stephen so we decided to lay low instead. Buying a car postponed until Friday.
I have complete confidence in my ability to finish cleaning out the nursery this week. It would be nice if my nesting instinct would kick in already because I have no motivation. This whole pregnancy thing happened way to fast by the way. I think I could use another month or two please.

I have my Group B Strep test tomorrow morning and am super nervous about it. It is apparently extremely common and not really that big a deal if you get treatment for it. The unfortunate thing is that you have to take antibiotics intravenously at least four hours before birth. I really want to not be hooked up to anything during labor and I want to stay home as long as possible, but I also want to have a healthy baby so I will have to make some changes to my ideal birth if I fail the test.

Guess that's it for now. I will most likely post again soon as I am certain to be procrastinating on cleaning the nursery. Here is a picture of me updating the blog taken by Stephen. This shirt used to cover my belly :(