Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Quick update

Went to the doctor today and everything is going great! The baby is head down and -1 which means it is relatively low in my pelvis. The midwife said that it means that the baby is more likely to be on time. No guarantees though. She also says he feels like he will be average size which is 7 1/2 pounds.

Oh yeah. I had the Strep B test. I wouldn't call it comfortable, but it is important. I'll find out next week if I passed or failed. Fingers crossed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice! I loved it when Nory moved down... I could finally breath a little. I'm so excited! You better have that nursery cleaned out! Diapers washed (um if you are using those kind of diapers)! Bra pads in supply! Food in the freezer!

How come nobody else ever comments on your blog? Am I its only reader?