Saturday, June 12, 2010

40 Weeks and counting!

There's really not much to report, but as I passed the 40 week mark I figured it would be good to post. I had an appointment with the midwives yesterday morning and they scheduled me for an ultrasound next Friday along with my first of many non-stress tests that I will have to do if I don't have the kid by then. The ultrasound is to make sure that there is enough fluid for the baby to move around in and the non-stress test is 20 minutes of baby heart monitoring to make sure he's doing alright in there. They said I looked way to adorable to be having a kid anytime soon and to come back when my back started to ache and I was waddling. I bet they say that to all the pregnant girls.

I am very excited that my parents have decided to come up on Monday instead of waiting for labor to start. Hopefully I won't make them wait too long to meet their new grandchild. I still feel like there is a lot to do around the house and I am hoping that my Mom will swoop in and reorganize the nursery into a way that makes more sense. Also I've become terrible at eating so having someone to feed me would be awesome. Especially now that I am out of the soup that I have been eating almost every night for dinner out of food apathy. I am not sure how it is possible to be hungry all the time, but too unmotivated to make a real meal.

Today I went out in search of the perfect storage bin for the shelves of the changing table. I found them, but it involved going to home depot, then to target, then back to home depot to get the cash back they forgot to give me, then to another target because the first one only had 2 of the 4 bins I needed. I also decide that I need to go to the farmers market to get some veggies and an ice cream bar. Then I realized that Gracie had been home alone for quite some time so I figured I should swing by the house pick her up and go to a dog park on the way to target number two. Who knew that a few Rubbermaid containers could consume almost a full day. That being said I made some good progress on the nursery. All the clothes and accessories are clean and put away in bins, drawers, and boxes. There are very few things left that are not baby related in the room. All of which are too heavy for me to lift in my current state.

Tomorrow I am going to finish up in the nursery with Stephen's help and then get some much need yard work done.

I have yet to pack the hospital bag, but have been slowly making a pile of stuff that I want to bring on the kitchen table. That counts for something, right?

At the urging of some friends Stephen and I took a few bare belly photos. I was told I would regret it if I didn't (not so sure about that). The problem is we bought a really crappy camera to replace the one that was stolen so the pictures did not turn out very good. We bought another camera online that will hopefully get here before the baby and we may try again, but here is one of the few pictures that turned out half way decent.

That's it for now!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I need another update!