Tuesday, June 8, 2010

39 1/2 Weeks

Wow! Where has the time gone? It really seems like just yesterday I found out we were going to be parents in 9 months. I am still not 100% sure that I am ready for that type of responsibility, but I was raised by some pretty great parents, so finger crossed that good parenting is genetic. I already know that Stephen will be a fabulous father once he gets over the initial shock of the child to poop ratio.
This could be the last prego pic of me because, as I keep reminding myself, I could go into labor at any moment. I am, however, pretty sure that I'll be late. I fully intend to not rush the process. He'll come out when he's ready and there is no need to rush. We'll see how I feel in a week or two though.

What's new?

I came out negative on the Group B Strep test which is really exciting. Now I can stay home as long as I want!

We found a pediatrician. One of our friends highly recommended her and while we had some other recommendations we wanted to checkout she was right in line with our views on medicine, she's very easy to talk to, her office is adorable, and most importantly we are running out of time. She gave us a very cool book of basic newborn care in a format that is easy to look up answers to questions.

We sold some old, unused sporting equipment and made $170.00. We used the money for a date night and it was a very nice way to spend the last quiet evening out together for a while.

I can't believe it is possible, but the heartburn is getting worse. I also have a cough that will not go away and it is making the heartburn worse. That or the heartburn is making the cough worse. Either way it is no fun.

That being said I really feel great for being practically 40 weeks. I walked a 5k on Sunday and it was so easy I walked to get breakfast and back adding another mile. I did come home a take a nap though.

We had the car seat lady come and bestow lots of safety information upon us. She showed us how to install the car seat properly. I am sad to say that I am one of the 90% of people who did it incorrectly. She also gave us some gardening tips.

I have had no signs whatsoever of labor. I would settle for one sure braxton hicks contraction. I would just like to know my body is thinking about having a baby in the next couple weeks.

I guess that's it for now. I will most likely update after my next appointment on Friday unless the baby comes before then. Until then I am hoping to God that my nesting instinct kicks in because I am so unmotivated to get anything done.

Still left to do:

Pack hospital bag
Clean house
Set up nursery
Finish painting kitchen

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LAUREN MARKLEY GRAHAM, WALK AWAY FROM THE PAINT! Don't worry about it, I never had a single braxton hicks contraction. The day you wake up ready to clean the house is probably the day you will go into labor. Can't wait to hear the good news!